September 8, 2010

Nicole's Site Revealed

At last my Niece's site is finally done. This is a cute site that I made for my favorite Niece Nicole. This site is all about her, her photos and videos. It has a blog and you can leave a message in the chat corner. I designed its header and gave a cute background of her which looks like there are two borders. The colors are girly colors with shades of pink and violet. The text color is a bit dark to match the white background.

However, there are things that needed to be improved like the videos. I haven't categorize it yet. I will be doing it for the next few days of my spare time.

Since this site is new, I am looking for exchange link partners or sponsors for this site. If anyone is interested, you can leave your message on the contact form.

Don't forget to visit the credits section where you can find the list of my blogs and sites. I hope that you can leave comments and suggestions so I can improve the site more. If you like what you see, please don't hesitate to subscribe to the Blog's RSS Feed so you won't miss out the updates.

Before I forget, this is the site to visit Nicole Angela Rigby's Site. So till my next post! See yah!

1 comment:

  1. HI Ria, thanks for dropping by my blog.. it's been a while..Sige dear.. visit ko baby's blog mu .. she's cute...


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